19 June 2008

The Straight Strike Back

During a time when heterosexuals everywhere feel the most threatened by the gay, we get this good news from some doctor with a very unfortunate name:

The world will not see a global pandemic.

That's the word from Dr. Kevin De Cock, who heads the World Health Organization's AIDS department. At a United Nations AIDS meeting earlier this month in New York, he confirmed that outside of sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS will not become general in Russia, China or anywhere in the global heterosexual population.

Yet the risk does remain high among gay men, IV drug users, prostitutes and heterosexuals in sub-Saharan Africa.

Why there and not elsewhere? It apparently has to do with cultural practices – especially having multiple concurrent sexual partners – and widespread herpes infections, which cause open sores that help transmit HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Clearly, America is in the clear. If there's one thing we stand for in this country, it's the monogamy of heterosexual marriage; not the polygamy of all these homosexual unions. Some might point to the divorce rate in trying to dispute this. I say, however, that it's only a reinforcement. We care so passionately about monogamy that we are willing to go through legal action to avoid having concurrent partners.

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