Google has developed a "supplement" to Wikipedia. Knol is an online encyclopedia featuring articles written by exposed authors. The advantages to using Knol are two-fold. First, you know who the author of each article is and can judge their credibility accordingly. Secondly, authors can opt to receive proceeds from relevant ads placed within their article. However, like Wikipedia:
Google doesn't intend to screen the submissions for accuracy, Dupont said, and instead will rely on its search formulas to highlight the articles that readers believe are credible.
Yeah, good idea. One Knol article I saw was about the "The Decline of Women in Computer Science". I can't wait to see how well this idea works when somebody submits a comedic piece on the same subject. Which article do you think will get more hits?
White people are divided on this "war in Iraq" business. My next door neighbor was some sort of district coordinator in the Obama campaign and is heavily against the war. His next door neighbor is a gun-wielding conservative that only cares about defending our country, retribution and gays not having rights. HIS next door neighbor is a couple of lesbians. I don't know what they think about the war, but you should know these aren't the kind of lesbians you should care about.
I'm only now beginning to get over the tired-head associated with "war" talk on the news or radio. Politics seem so boring and futile. I guess my change of heart is probably rooted in these soaring gas and milk prices. Have you tried buying a gallon of milk lately? Crap. How does a war about oil affect cows? I don't know, but it does.
The [war in Iraq], alone, is now clocking past $560 billion. That’s enough to manufacture and put in service over 22 million new fuel-efficient hybrid automobiles and dent the supply/demand balance for energy from the Middle East.
I don't know if 22 million people would have the money, or be willing to spend it on a brand new hybrid, but I thought this stat was pretty fascinating. If this war's still about the terror then I wonder if it'd be cheaper to build a bio-dome over America and put Pauly Shore in charge of homeland security.
So this is how it ends. Terry Glenn has not had a sparkling career by any stretch of the imagination, but I bet he didn't plan on it ending like this. I remember reading about his decision to have surgery on that knee last year. I still don't know what the hell is wrong. From what I understand he had the opportunity to have a quick-fix surgery and be back in time for the Cowboys Super Bowl run (fat chance if you asked me) or he could do it right and get the (I think) microfracture surgery that guys like Greg Oden and Amare Stoudamire underwent. I think the recovery on this is about 16-18 months as opposed to the 6 months of an ACL tear. My buddy had to do the microfracture thing, and that's what he told me, so I'm pretty much an expert.
Anyway, they told Terry that if he did the quick-fix he would not be able to walk without a distinct limp as early as his 50's. I won't say I prayed for him not to do the quick fix - there are bigger things worth praying about - but I was really hoping he'd consider his future quality of life. Well he didn't. That, or he didn't care. Either way he came back and did absolutely nothing for the Cowboys in their playoff loss to the Giants, probably made his knee worse, will still be mostly crippled and nobody will care. That's right, Terry. I guess you haven't heard about the Gridiron Greats. They're lead by Mike Ditka and nobody cares about them either.
Welcome to the real world, Terry. It's cold and it sucks.
I've always thought the road Wang ZhiZhi jersey would be the way to go if I decided to support a particular NBA player. Of course, I would never do this. Those guys get guaranteed contracts and, therefore, don't need my support. I wish I could get an NBA contract. Just one of 'em. For the minimum. Do you know what I could do with $442,114? I could supply a year's worth of water to 442,114 Africans. I could buy 294,743 giant-size slurpees. Hell, you could probably get a low-quality snuff film made for that amount of money. The possibilities are near endless. I'd probably end up blowing it on something worthless though... like paying off debt or 14 masters degrees.
I'm not sure the Asian understands America. This country battles an inferiority complex that would stun a mastadon. The goal in each of our lives is two-fold:
Keep my head low enough that nobody notices my shortcomings and failures.
Always be on the lookout for everyone else's shortcomings and failures, in case they notice mine, so that I can use these as necessary to save face.
Grade school is the worst. I don't know how many insulting nicknames were hurled my way and I have a normal, American name. You know exactly what little Nick Mycock experienced. (Yes, real guy.) But can you imagine going to school for 13 years with a name describing a phallus? How many times do you think this guy's been called "Short", "No" or "Sideways" in his life? I remember going through the phone book in elementary school and relentlessly prank calling Phuc Yu, Hung Nguyen and Hsiu Mei. There's a judge down in New Zealand trying to single-handedly correct this societal injustice, but he's got a hopelessly long way to go. I think he'd have better luck getting up on the back of his couch, jumping off and trying to fly, than curing this epidemic.I guess it's great that these idiots are out there. I need somebody to keep the attention off me.
I am blown away by the fact that you stole my technical running shirt and skullcap from me this morning. I realize that I didn't do a very good job of hiding it. I carelessly tossed them under my drivers side tire after my 15 mile run. I suppose you absconded with them not too shortly after that, because I walked about 200 yards away on the other side of the bath house to get some water, chat with some folks and stretch a bit. I was probably away from my car for about 20 minutes, leaving you ample time to plot your crime and get away route. And I am quite impressed by the boldness of your actions, as there were people everywhere in that area. I also must applaud your ability to start your criminal activities at 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday. You don't see alot of ambitious, early risers in the petty theft crowd. And the fact that you took my nasty, sweaty shirt and skullcap tells me alot about your present situation in life. Heck, I'd have given them to you if you had really need them. I might even have loaned you a couple bucks if you'd have asked nicely. Despite the fact that my car was locked up, I do appreciate the fact that you didn't do anything to it.
All in all, it was actually a good laugh for me. You obviously needed that shirt and skullcap more than me. I hope they don't chafe you. And for the love of God, DON'T put them in the dryer! Oh, karma will rear her ugly head if you mishandle those garments. At any rate, best of luck with your new clothes, and perhaps the perspiration on them will inspire you to take up running and maybe even join a marathon training program. If you do, can I borrow your skullcap?